I’am trying to make a webcomic in this sort of style.(Not art, actionscript :p)
The problem is I need to know the actionscript used on that comic.(How the buttons change the pictures) I know this seems simple but when I tryed making it myself I got stuck and it always ended up going to the last page.
So if someone could post some actionscript, showing an example that like similar to what was used on that webpage, it would be most appreciated.
you said you took a stab at it… why not post up your code, so we can help you find out why it goes to the last page?
they’re loading external swf’s. that’s why you can see a preloader for each comic. so set up an empty mc and give it the instance name containerLeft and make another and give it instance name containerRight. then make your button and button AS:
you would clearly need to make swf’s with those names which hold the comic image.
search kirupaforums for external swf and you miiiiiiiiiiiight find some help.
Thanks for your help bwh2. I’am really new to actionscript… So I have no idea what a “empty mc” is… I can probably figure the rest out if you could explain. Thanks.
insert>new symbol>movie clip
don’t put anything in it, go back to the main timeline and take it from your library and put it on stage.