Please help with clickable text in a dynamic text field

Hi all,
I know I am dumb but I just can’t work out how to make the examples you have here work!
please help!
I have a dynamic text field. Instance name wordDEF
I have variables with different word definitions
I have a function on a button that changes the variables.
What I want to know is… can I have a user spot a word in a definition that they don’t know and click on that word if I already have another definition written with a variable for it …

so here is my code- please don’t hurt yourself laughing
Object(this).promotions_def.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showpromotions);
function showpromotions(event:MouseEvent):void {


the word advertising is in the definition for promotions, and I have a set of variables for advertising.
Can I make the word advertising which is in the def5 variable clickable when it comes into the wordDEF dynamic text box and then have a function that changes ans1 and ans2
Sorry for being such a dufus, I really need (and appreciate) your help!