I’m having a problem making a transition movie play out.
I currently have this code which ties in to a button call “b1”
Although it calls both movies to load and play the woobrook.swf only play in and not out.
I am pretty sure these “if” statements need sorting out.
b1.onRelease = function() {
if (_root.section != “flash/portfolio text/woodbrook.swf”) {
_root.section = “flash/portfolio text/woodbrook.swf”;
// Transition section (If no movie has been loaded etc)
if (level10.boxMovie == undefined) {
level10.boxMovie = “flash/portfolio text/woodbox”;
preview.loadMovie(“flash/portfolio text/woodbox.swf”);
} else if (level10.boxMovie != “flash/portfolio text/woodbox”) {
// Transition section (If a movie has been played up to stop then carry in out on release etc).
if (preview._currentframe >= preview.midframe) {
level10.boxMovie = “flash/portfolio text/woodbox”;
Many thanks for your help in advance.