I need a volume slider script for the following situation:
I have a button that loads an SWF into a container called “clips”. I have built a slider to control the volume of the clip when loaded into this container.
This whole SWF is then loaded into another movie, at which point the volume control no longer functions. I now seem incapable of fixing this and was hoping that someone could direct me to an example that I could ‘borrow’ from in order to get this working!..?
At the moment this is the code on the volume slider:
onClipEvent (load) {
clipsSound = new Sound(_root.clips);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (adjusting) {
volume = this._x*2;
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
this movie clip is then placed on the main stage of the movie which is then loaded into another base movie…
As I say, the slider works in it’s originating SWF, but not inside the base…
I hope this makes sense… ;-[
kind regards
marll !
Sorry! You may want to look at this to see what I am trying to do: http://www.shifthappens.co.uk
On the navigation bar, click on ‘Solar Virals’ and then you get a little play bar with volume control… At the moment, it does not work at all as you see!! :]