Please help: XML Photo Gallery issues

Hi Kirupa Forum -

Hope someone can shed a bit of light on this problem. I’ve just completed Kirupa’s excellent XML Photo Gallery tutorial ( The thing works great… as long as I don’t post it to my web host. Once it is on my web host’s server, and I try to access the .html file (located at: ) the images do not load.

It looks like the preloader finishes and just stops without loading any photos or allowing me to advance to other images. The same thing happens when I try and view the SWF from the web server. Every thing works fine when I check it out locally ( FILE > PUBLISH PREVIEW > HTML ).

I haven’t altered Kirupa’s FLA ActionScript and have double-checked the paths to the images. I’m stumped (but since rather new at this, it didn’t take long for me to get stumped).

Any thoughts? - James