Hi everyone. Before I go on - can I just say how awesome Kirupa is and how great it’s been for me in the past. I’m new to these forums and I look forward to being part of this great community.
Right. I’m currently building a flash website (who’s details i cannot reveal at this moment) and I need a news script. Basically what I need is a system - simirarly to what can be seen on www.christinaaguilera.com (click on News) in which news headlines are dynamically included via XML and when clicked upon - shows the article on a different part of the stage. Instead of next and previous links like on that site have - I’d like if the headlines could be included with a scrollbar.
The news will need read from an XML source which users can also subscribe to (RSS) for example www.jenniferlopez.com/includes/rss_news.xml.
If anybody could show me how to do this or point me in the direction of where I could learn how to do it - it would be immensly appreciated. I’m relitavely new to XML with flash but I understand the basic concept of it.
Thank you very much!