Please, I really need help with these buttons

I can’t find where the problem is. I have done the Preloader/Transition tutorial five times now and made my movie just like that one and the buttons still won’t work. I don’t get it. All they are supposed to do is start the transition. Anyway I have made this zip file (Flash MX not 2004) If anyone is willing to help me I would really appreciate it. The zip has everything you will need. Even the final tutorial fla. I’m just completely lost…

And now I see that there is now way to upload the zip file because it is to big. Well if anyone is willing to help I can mail it to you. Thanks

since it’s mx and not mx2004 i dont think it should be here - it should be in the mx forum instead.
since it is too big…can you be more specific as to how the buttons are not working?

Nah nevermind. It was the stupidest reason. One of my frame lables was spelled wrong. Thanks though