aarghh, what am I doing wrong here?
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
var canvas:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("canvas_mc", this.getNextHighestDepth());
canvas.lineStyle(1, 0x000000, 100);
canvas.moveTo(beamCornerUpperLeft._x, beamCornerUpperLeft._y);
canvas.lineTo(beamCornerLowerLeft._x, beamCornerLowerLeft._y);
canvas.curveTo(beamCornerLowerLeft._x, beamCornerLowerLeft._y, beamCornerLowerRight._x, beamCornerLowerRight._y);
canvas.lineTo(beamCornerUpperRight._x, beamCornerUpperRight._y);
canvas.curveTo(beamCornerUpperLeft._x, beamCornerUpperLeft._y, beamCornerUpperLeft._x, beamCornerUpperLeft._y);
var flexAmount:Number = 20;
var ease:Number = .3;
_root.onEnterFrame = function() {
var bend_tween1:Object = new Tween(beamCornerLowerRight, "_y", Strong.easeOut, 195, 215, 2, true);
var bend_tween2:Object = new Tween(beamCornerUpperRight, "_y", Strong.easeOut, 175, 195, 2, true);
bend_tween2["onMotionFinished"] = function ():Void {
canvas.lineStyle(1, 0x000000, 100);
canvas.moveTo(beamCornerUpperLeft._x, beamCornerUpperLeft._y);
canvas.lineTo(beamCornerLowerLeft._x, beamCornerLowerLeft._y);
canvas.curveTo(beamCornerLowerLeft._x+200, beamCornerLowerLeft._y, beamCornerLowerRight._x, beamCornerLowerRight._y);
canvas.lineTo(beamCornerUpperRight._x, beamCornerUpperRight._y);
canvas.curveTo(beamCornerUpperLeft._x+200, beamCornerUpperLeft._y, beamCornerUpperLeft._x, beamCornerUpperLeft._y);
/* var bend_tween3:Object = new Tween(beamCornerLowerRight, "_y", Strong.easeOut, 215, 195, 20, false);
var bend_tween4:Object = new Tween(beamCornerUpperRight, "_y", Strong.easeOut, 195, 175, 20, false);
bend_tween4["onMotionFinished"] = function ():Void {
canvas.lineStyle(1, 0x000000, 100);
canvas.moveTo(beamCornerUpperLeft._x, beamCornerUpperLeft._y);
canvas.lineTo(beamCornerLowerLeft._x, beamCornerLowerLeft._y);
canvas.curveTo(beamCornerLowerLeft._x+200, beamCornerLowerLeft._y, beamCornerLowerRight._x, beamCornerLowerRight._y);
canvas.lineTo(beamCornerUpperRight._x, beamCornerUpperRight._y);
canvas.curveTo(beamCornerUpperLeft._x+200, beamCornerUpperLeft._y, beamCornerUpperLeft._x, beamCornerUpperLeft._y);
and here is the fla. I’ve been trying to develop this in MX by the way, I just opened and tested in v8 too see if that was the issue.
In the fla/swf you see a frame animation of a black rectabgle tweening to be bent, and then back to straight. Below that is my attempt at animating this entirely in ActionScript, using lineTo, curveTo and Tweens. Please, please help me understand what i am doing wrong. I cannot see it.
The as animation is “suddenly” being drawn as one frame (correctly). and then going weird with incomplete clear() and redraws etc.
I am trying to make the actionscript driven one behave just like the frame-by frame driven one. What am I doing wrong??
Banging my head against the wall here…