Hi everybody ~~
I need help on the making of XML+Flash Menu, I want to make a dynamic XML+FLASH menu, the texts (MainMENU & Sub-Menu) should be stored in a XML file & can be change anytime by just edit the XML file.
it is a horizontal type, just like this : [COLOR=#003399]http://www.wzsj-home.com/flash-sc/cd/flash/cd-36.swf[/COLOR] a dynamic text (MAINMENU) is under the icon <— button , when click the button, a horizontal sub-menu appear. the number of sub-menu can be add/delete by editing the xml file.
Can anyone help me to creat a sample just like that link ? or give me some hints on how to make it ? I’m a newbie in the action script & XML … >_<
B.T.W. … please use Flash 2004 mx (AS2.0) to do it … coz I dun have Flash 8 … sorry
Many thanks ~~