Please review my website

Hi, I’m kinda new to this website thingy…
Please comment…I surely need to improve the site somehow…

Welcome to the forum Ria, thanks for placing my link on your site, but I just wanted to let you know the link is broken. =)

As for your site, I think it would be nice to see some more graphics. =)

simple… its not bad… very plain but…

looks clean but could use something flashy or more attractive

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**Welcome to the forum Ria, thanks for placing my link on your site, but I just wanted to let you know the link is broken. =)

As for your site, I think it would be nice to see some more graphics. =) **

Thanks for the info. The link is already OK :slight_smile:

I try my best to make nice graphics …do you have any tips? :m:

*Originally posted by hojo *
**looks clean but could use something flashy or more attractive **

I will…soon :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by rianur *
**Thanks for the info. The link is already OK :slight_smile:

I try my best to make nice graphics …do you have any tips? :m: **

i try to make pics look good, but it comes out crappy. lol. but keep trying and go through every tutorial you can. but dont give up. Welcome to the fourms. enjoy your stay here:P

thank alex…been tru your website…pretty nice =)

could use some images and maybe a navigation menu, very original and clean i like it its diffrent maybe a little color also wont hurt


I like your design and color !

Now here is some tips for you for updates to your site "if possible " :cool:

_root.Comments.LoadMovie.(“comments.swf”) :tb:

-Make the background color same as the “textBoX” color not white !

-Add a menu !


I LOVE the colors it fits !
Nice design and I will Vote for you to my friend ! :pope:

I like your wallpapers to !
Maybe add some Info on it :flower: