Please share ideas for a logo

any ideas?

EDIT: i designed this a while back, but need something “modern”

I know you like the silhoutte alot…but I think you should lose it and try to do something with the weapon that is in the hand of the guy/girl…what is this logo for again?? I am not sure what that silhouette is supposed to be…guy/girl/genie/warlock…

This is Lord Shiva.

The logo is for a site on hinduism.

Lord shiva is in meditating posture, the “weapon” is his trident.

What do you suggest?

focus on the trident as recommended by 3d.

something like this?

yeah, that’s pretty cool, but… erk! don’t post bmps! make them jpgs or gifs! :thumb:

*Originally posted by Alucard_X *
**something like this? **

i like that! :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay i will just develop it to make it look better…

here you go asphalt…in jpeg format :stuck_out_tongue:

thank you! :slight_smile:

it’s looks good m8, nice work :thumb:


I changed it a bit, made the forky bit more centered…

I’ll mess about for a few hours, and re-post the new look, let me know what you think then…

[this is my first ever logo so please be nice :P]

yeah that is soooooo much better more concise and less guesswork… everyone should always listen to me (j/k). BUt yes as stated before sometimes less is more. catch my drift. Remember as an artist the first thing you have to learn is when to put down the brushes. gj


So i’ll stick with this then…now…any ideas on how to improve this? :stuck_out_tongue:

I was gonna say chrome effect but then asphalt will turn mean :stuck_out_tongue:

lol, no, I wont m8 - as long as you make it REALLY big before you start :P;)

dude back away from the logo. It is good and clean.

holy shizzznit…asphalt how in the heelllll did you get 2500 posts already…Man…you and dippy are the kings.

indeed. I am a god. :beam:

lol, no, my posting rate has calmed of late (luckily for me :P)

*Originally posted by 3d-iva *
**dude back away from the logo. It is good and clean. **

Yes but i want to import it into my flash movie and apply cool glint effects :wink:

There must be something to add that extra “spark”??

do you have swift3d v3?? If so that would be the best way to get your chrome look.


I dont have it…if you have it can you help me out with it?

Pretty please? It’s christmas <:}


hahaha…whoa man…be careful any mention of warez and stuff could draw te wrath of the K Gods. ANd lead to immediate banned status…(unless u send me 1 grand in small un marked bills just kidding). But I cannot help ya there. I bought my copy they gave my friend a trial copy after he begged and pleaded you can try. But they stopped after many bootleg copies showed up on kazaa.