I am using Flash 8 Professional and I work on
Macintosh G5 with OSX 10.4.4 system.
I have a new website for a client and I need
PC users with Internet Explorer to test if the main
page appears (apparently my wife today tested on her
studio and the text and buttons don´t show up!).
What is strange is that here on my Mac I always test the files
with Firefox, Opera, Netscape, Camino and Safari browsers.
And the last version Microsoft made of IE (5.2) for OSX.
The main page works ok on all of them, only on IE the fullscreen
button does not work (I have to figure out why…)
But, all PC users with IE out there, please log to this link:
and tell me if you can only see the background picture, or
all the text and buttons!
Thank you!