Pllleaseee help, center pop up window problem

im trying to link a button on my site to a html page in the same folder and ive tried the centered popup tutorial for this, the window pops up but the content i would like to have inside of it (the html page) is not, any ideas???

heres the code for the button:

on (release) {
//customize the window that gets opened
// 0 equals NO.
// 1 equals YES.
address = “photogallery.html”;
target_winName = “photogallery”;
width = 400;
height = 300;
toolbar = 0;
location = 0;
directories = 0;
status = 0;
menubar = 0;
scrollbars = 1;
resizable = 0;
//sends data back to the function
openWinCentre(address, target_winName, width, height, toolbar, location, directories, status, menubar, scrollbars, resizable);

and heres the code for the layer w/ the action in it:

Movieclip.prototype.openWinCentre = function (url, winName, w, h, toolbar, location, directories, status, menubar, scrollbars, resizable) {
getURL (“javascript:var myWin; if(!myWin || myWin.closed){myWin =’” + url + “’,’” + winName + “’,’” + “width=” + w + “,height=” + h + “,toolbar=” + toolbar + “,location=” + location + “,directories=” + directories + “,status=” + status + “,menubar=” + menubar + “,scrollbars=” + scrollbars + “,resizable=” + resizable + “,top=’+((screen.height/2)-(” + h/2 + “))+’,left=’+((screen.width/2)-(” + w/2 + “))+’” + “’)}else{myWin.focus();};void(0);”);

please help me out, im ripping out my hair here

think about it, is your problem really in flash? if your html page isn’t pulling anything up obviously there is soemthing wrong there. if your flash movie pop-ups the window your flash code is fine, but what abut the html page?

well i figured that but im not sure what i need to put within my html head tag

<a href=“”,"_blank"></a>

I don’t know digital. I used that tut a lot in one of my sites and never needed to put anything in my HTML file. The only script I have in my header is:

<script language="javascript">

That’s it.

does your window centre? im gathering it does everything but display stuffi nside it right?

if it doesnt centre, problem = javascript, if nothing displays inside the window, problem = between body tags…


i suggest checking you closed everything, i had a problem where i searched through a 60kb plain text page of javascript arrays to find out why it wasnt working, turns out it was a messed up /script tag right near the end that i was missing :slight_smile: heehe