PNG and Flash

Why in the hell does Flash always seem to want to **** up all my .png and .gif art when it’s imported into Flash, I have changed the properties of the ‘bitmap’ and everything, I am trying to get borders I made in PS into Flash with transparency, i should have thought about the fact that Flash is gay when it comes to importing anything. Sorry if I sound a little rude, but this has been bugging the crap out of me and I am about to take my Flash MX disc and break the bastard over my knee:

Hey Dan… You know what is weird about Flash.

When you import an image with a border into Flash, the border gets distorted, but if you set the quality of your movie to low, this problem is fixed.

But of course, if you have content that looks crappy in low quality, then you have to deal with a crappy looking image.

This gets on my nerves too.

Every time I open Flash I think I find something crappier about it…this is just ridiculus, they are pretty much restricting you to your Flash to make your images. I really don’t even know why I bother buying their products anymore!

why dont you import it into fireworks and then export it and then import to flash, that should work

I have been talking to lost about it on AIM, I think we (he) solved the problem, I cropped the image at the direct edge of the border, instead I should leave a 1-3 pixel padding between the cropping and actual image! :sleep: