Hey there,
I am trying to develop a pit manager for the Casino I work at because our current one is incredibly crap.
I am using PHP, MySQL and Flash.
I have set up the database and all the php and have made a php script to make a XML file that has all the database information in it.
It comes back as so:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<game>$100/$250 NL</game>
<game>$200/$500 NL</game>
<game>$80 NL</game>
<game>$5/$10 LIMIT</game>
<game>$10/$20 LIMIT</game>
<game>$500/$2000 NL</game>
Can anyone tell me where I can find an in depth tutorial on how to get this information into the flash document as different lists for different limit games?Thanks,THEfish!