Pop up from flash MX

I have a problem and I am really bad in actionscript so if someone can help me. thanx
I have found this script. It is to launch a popup from flashMX. it is working but I would like to resize the windows…what do I have to change???

function popUp(theURL,winName,features) { window.open(theURL,winName,features); } hauteur = screen.availHeight - 30;
largeur = screen.availWidth - 10;
pointx = (largeur - 900) / 2;
pointy = (hauteur - 600) / 2;
if (document.all) { window.resizeTo(900,600); }
else if (document.layers)
{ if (window.outerHeight<900||window.outerWidth<600);
{ window.outerHeight = 900; window.outerWidth = 600; } }


getURL(“test.html”,"_blank"); }

////after <title>in dreamweaver, ine the POPUP

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=“JavaScript” src=“test.js”>

thanks for you help