POP UP on close

I am creating a projector for a client. This projector is a catalog The client wishes to have a POP UP that thanks the user for vewing the catalog after the user hits the close button on the projector.

Now, I don’t see an onClose action. And onUnload seems to be only for movie clips.

One way I figure that I could do it is to make my own clow button that I could apply actions to.

THis question is really an either/or.

Does anyone know how to REMOVE the default bar that shows up that has the Minimize Maximize and Close buttons on a projector.


Does anyone know how to make a new movie pop up when the the close button is hit on the projector. By close button, I mean the default OS close button, not a flash button I programmed.



showmenu / false will get rid of the menu…

exec will open a .exe in front of the player…

quit closes the player…

hope this helps,


not at all. not even close.

thanks for trying tho.

Anyone have an answer?

Hasn’t anyone tried to make a projector that has a “Thank you for veiwing” message upon closing?


on a button…

on (release) {
fscommand (“exec”, “test.exe”);
on (release) {
fscommand (“showmenu”, “true”);
on (release) {
fscommand (“quit”);

I have tested this, and it does work…


****it dude, What is WRONG with you? If you don’t know the answer… or didn’t read the question DON’T post an answer.

Here is the question.

Does anyone know how to REMOVE the default bar that shows up that has the Minimize Maximize and Close buttons on a projector.


Does anyone know how to make a new movie pop up when the the close button is hit on the projector. By close button, I mean the default OS close button, not a flash button I programmed.

You were telling me to add actions to a button. You want me to program a flash button, when I specifically said in my question that I want a popup to happen when someone hits the close button placed by THE OPERATING SYSTEM… (much like the close button you see in the top right hand corner of your browser right now (PC) or top left (Mac) )

It either or. EITHER I remove the nav bar that occurs at the top of every application window (except for a few random DHTML **** ads I’ve seen) and program my own close button as you’ve suggested (without telling me how to remove the bar as I asked, instead you recited what I already knew)


THe other way to do that would be that there is some sort of action I don’t know about that can be executed that detects when the flash application is quitting. Much like the Javascript command onUnload, which in Flash, unfortuneately, only affects MC’s, Not the entire movie.


Christ man you come on here for help not to get pissed off at people. The guys trying to help you out. Why don’t you rephrase the question? If not then don’t come for help.

No one here is getting paid to help you…

Be nice, scale back the attitude, and someone may have an answer for you.

Keep in mind you are trying to access a function that is controlled by the OS. When you click the button to the upper right, there is no connection to the player, it simply closes the window (a command to the OS).

Therefore, it must be Either?

relax, or ask for free help somewhere else…

No one else here even answered your post…


eh, I don’t mean to be a dick. It’s just that it only happens in chats and forums that you ask a question and people answer with the basics.

It’s like asking a friend how to drive a stick shift, and having that friend tell you where the gas pedal is. It just makes you want to slap that friend silly, but to then go and ask another DIFFERENT person how to drive a stick, only to have that first guy come back and tell you where the brake pedal is… It’s just plain obnoxious. It’s like… Ok, you don’t know the answer to my question… or you didn’t even listen to the question in the first place.

I said it once already… I told him I appreciated his effort, but that he was way off the mark.

I think the question is/was worded fine. It just has to read fully.

Although, I will give that it is difficult to explain.
I’m not even sure that it is possible to remove the title bar from a projector window using actionscipt.
(setting showmenu to false is NOT turning off the title bar)
(setting it to true, is even less so)

I’m also not sure that flash supports my other question… I’m not sure that flash has the capability to detect when the OS placed close button (in the title bar) on a projector is clicked…

So, it is a difficult question… but please… If you do not understand the question, please ask about the part you do’t understand… Don’t just regurgitate information… This is a discussion board… I could look up the FSCOMMAND definition by hitting f1


*Originally posted by Tocard *
**I said it once already… I told him I appreciated his effort, but that he was way off the mark.

So, it is a difficult question… but please… If you do not understand the question, please ask about the part you do’t understand… Don’t just regurgitate information… This is a discussion board… I could look up the FSCOMMAND definition by hitting f1

-=Tocard=- **

I guess you should have been more precise in your first response…

It is easier to speak across to someone rather than down…

If you could hit F1, then why not buy a book…maybe you should stay in Libraries, and out of inter-personal relations…you obviously don’t have the patience for it…


Ok, I see a bit of an argument brewing so I am going to jump in here and try and break it up.

Does anyone know how to REMOVE the default bar that shows up that has the Minimize Maximize and Close buttons on a projector.

It is the Operating System that creates that bar, there is no way to remove the minimize or maximize feature. Well that I know of at least. It seems that to be able to do that you would have to manipulate the OS somehow. Unlike in a browser you can disable the maximize and minimize buttons of a pop-up, but that is completely different than what you are doing.

Does anyone know how to make a new movie pop up when the the close button is hit on the projector. By close button, I mean the default OS close button, not a flash button I programmed.

I have never actually made a projector, so I have no clue how to do this. I have seen it done, so I do know it is possible, I guess you will have to wait and see if someone posts a reply.

This is a bit of a hack, but it could help you out… create your own CLOSE projector buttonbelow the OS one within your projector… only make it more obvious and larger then the standard ‘x’… then you could add any actions you wanted - granted you’d be at the mercy of the user choosing to use your close button rather than then OS one… only thing I could think of right now


I just remembered the name of that program…

the thing that might work is :


“they” say:

TOTALLY custom window!
You can totally customise the Juggled file window with the options to remove the title bar and borders, changing the size and position of the window. Now, with JShapor you can specify the SHAPE of the Juggled file! Click here for more about JShapor…

maybe from there you can get what you want with FSCommands…

sorry about misreading the first thread…


You have totally redeemed yourself Reverend… Again, I’m sorry I was such a bastard. I was frustrated with the fact that what my client wanted me to do with flash wasn’t possible.

Actually… I already found Juggolor right after my last reply… but that was exactly what I was looking for.

It’s just too bad that it doesn’t work on Macs. Just another reason not to “switch” (the first being if you are a gamer (http://www.evilcon.com/shiz/Videos/AppleSwitchParody.mov)

It’s really too bad that flash doesn’t have a way to detect when the OS close button is clicked. I’m going to go and suggest it to Macromedia.

I’m pretty sure at this point… That what I want to do really isn’t possible… At least… Not cross Platform yet.

If anyone sees a MAC application like Juggolor. Post a link here.

Basically I am gonna have to use a combination of suggestions.

Make my OWN close button that is visible and well placed, that will generate a popup. On the PC I can remove the Title Bar by using Juggolor. (and FlashJester has some really cool hacks for flash stuff)

Again, sorry to everyone for spazzing and being a goob (-:
Boards can be slow at times, taking out my frustrations on hapless bystanders just makes everyone tense… It won’t happen again. :smirk:


no worries from my end, again I’m sorry I misunderstood your question…I assumed it was a repeat of an earlier thread…My Bad:x

Yes, Flash Jester has some cool tricks, although I haven’t played with them in a couple years…I hope the prog is a lot more stable now…

Me too, if anyone knows a prog for the Mac issues…:bandit:

glad to see you’re a cool dude…
