Pop Up Window Problem with code

i am making a game, i have a button, on it it has an action script:
on(release) { load(“Mymovie1.swf”); }

what is wrong with that code i can’t get it to open, is there any other way? And i have a button (it would be the closing button) that has this code:

on(release){ close (“Mymovie1.swf”);}

(this doesn’t works either. Is there any way i can close it with my own button?
Also i wanted an effect on pop up or close pop up so i searched for this :

on (release, rollOver) {
getURL (“javascript:NewWindow.focus(); for (i=10; i>0; i–)
{ for (j=6; j>0; j–) { NewWindow.moveBy(0,i); NewWindow.moveBy(i,0);
NewWindow.moveBy(0,-i); NewWindow.moveBy(-i,0); }} void(0);”);

But i don’t understand it so i can’t change it

Thanx for the time taken and please tell me if you didn’t understand what i was trying to tell you:stunned: