Pop-Up Window Question: Mac User

Hey Everybody…

I’m new.

I really have never used flash for anything more than making easy image transitions and things of those sorts. I have never used advanced coding or actionscripts before. I need help. Please help. :puzzled:

I’m trying to make a pop-up window open from a button. I want to be able to pre-determine the window’s size and attributes in flash, if possible. I have read all of the suggestion on this site my problem is… I’m a mac user and don’t have that little right click option. I ctrl click but it still doesn’t give me the actions option… I’m also using Flash MX 2004. The actions palette just confuses me to death. If I were using Flash 5, I think I could get this to work.

I don’t know how to code in Flash. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please someone help!

You all seem to have this Flash thing down pretty solid so…
Thanks so much for your wisdom and expertise, in advance.

Indie Danielle