
I’m not sure this is the best place to post this, but I thought someone might no so here goes. I know that it is possible to have a new window open with your specifications (as outlined in the tutorial on this site). However, since I know a lot of people hate popups and close them, I thought it would be better to have the initial window open at the size and specifications I wanted (rather than having another page open up from my splash). I know its possible, I think its using the window.open syntax in javascript, I was hoping someone could give me a hand, since I can’t get anything I’ve tried so far to work.



Have you tried just setting the size you want in the publish settings in Flash?

Of course, I’m assuming your project is a flash document.


hehe yeh of course it is i think ive asked enough flash questions on the forum to suggest that :stuck_out_tongue: funnily enough, no i havent. didnt even consider it. oh well, im a noob lol, just tried it, and it doesnt seems to work unfortunately…of course the flash is the right size, its just the window isnt…at the moment my splash page opens up the main site in a new window 800 x 500, and that works fine, its just i also wanted the splash page to also open up that size - the main window only works because i put the script into the flash page

But your splash page is an html file right? So just open it up and put in the code to set the size (search the forums if you don’t know how - I’ve seen it somewhere but I don’t know if off the top of my head). :s:

Use some javas****cript:

<script type="text/javascript">
function openURL(url,w,h){

Now to call the function:

<a href="j[U][/U]avascript:openURL('http://www.kirupaforum.com',600,500);">Launch Site</a>

actually lunatic, because i have put in a flash detection script, this splash page is not in html. Thanks for the javascript claudio, i thought it was something like this, but does this work for flash if i put the javascript in the html of the movie? ah well, ill try it now…

Ive figured it all out - rather than resize the window what was actually happening was the index opened a popup, and also closed the current window so it looked like it had just resized, when it was in fact a new window. cheers for the help guys :slight_smile: