Hi all happy flash coder people
I am really hoping someone can help me with this
What i want to do is assign actions to each individual movieclip using a for loop… let me explain
Say i have 5 MovieClips on the stage… With instance names clip1, clip2, clip3…
Now what i want to do is assign a OnRollOver and OnRelease to each 1
So individual code for each would be something like this.
_root.Clip1.OnRollOver = function()
trace(“clip1 clicked”)
_root.Clip2.OnRollOver = function()
trace(“clip2 clicked”)
now instead of copy pasting this over and over again for however many clips i have i wanted to put it in a for loop like so
for(i=1; i<6; i++)
_root[“Clip” + i].OnRollOver = function()
_root[“Clip” + i].gotoAndPlay(2);
trace(“Clip” + i + “clicked”)
the problem is this does not work… and all the trace statements just say clip4 clicked
how do i solve this problem, what am i doing wrong?
Please if anyone can help i would appreciate it so much