Portfolio test

I’ve started a project at school which is going to end up as my new portfolio site. Im going to have it ready before christmas. Or that’s atleast my plans:)
Before I throw myself into some huge project, I want to show you what I have so far, and hear your opinions on it. So I don’t rush into something that’s not worth it.

It’s nothing big, and it contains no interesting content what so ever really, but I want your thoughts on the layout and how everything feels etc. Basicly I just want to know if it is something worth continuing.

So… what remains now is some feedback. Go check it out [COLOR=Magenta][SIZE=4][COLOR=Black]H[/COLOR][COLOR=Magenta]E[/COLOR][COLOR=Black]R[/COLOR][COLOR=Magenta]E[/COLOR][/SIZE]
and have a nice day:)