POS setup fun

Hey guys… I’ve been hired by a new company ‘deVine’ (posted stuff here for them before) and they’re having me install, setup and train them on the POS (point of sale) system I recommended they buy [note: I have no experience doing this, but I am really good at research so I put together a package for them on systems and they picked one from that, and then they figured since I was their ‘computer guy’ they’d pay me to set it up.]. They ended up spendin like 5-6K (us) on it (remeber this is basically a glorified cash register!)! But it is sweet! Touch screen, PC computer running it, IR activated laser scanner, and on and on… It runs AccuPOS software that communicates (XML based) with QuickBooks Premiere… it handles inventory (they are going to have 1000’s of different items - its a HUGE 3,000sq ft wine store), purchasing, billing, customer lists… on an on… It is just soooo awesome to get to do/learn something like this…

BUT it is probably one of the most difficult, time consuming and stressful (remember when Im done THIS system will basically RUN their store so I gotta get it right) thing I’ve ever done. It’ll take me a month to finish entering all the data and configuring the system. Its totally worth it, both money wise, and just to learn it.

I thought I’d share the latest and greatest in my work life with 'yall…

Also I was wondering if anyone here has had ANY experiece with anything like this - even on a smaller scale??


…man im in tech heaven right now! :stuck_out_tongue: