Position MC on stage

I have 9 MC on stage with an instance of S1 to S9.

what I am try to do is position each clip beside each other on the x coordinate.

in AS2 it would be something like this

for (var d:Number = 0; d<9; d++) {
this["S"+d]._x = this["S"+d]._x -this["S"+d]._width/2

cheers guys

here’s my code so far

AS3 code

for (var d:Number = 0; d<9; d++) {
        var stamp_mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
        stamp_mc.name = "S" + d;
        //evt.target.x = stamp_mc.x;
        stamp_mc.x = stamp_mc.x - stamp_mc.width/1;