Positioning _mc relative to browser size

Hi hope you can help me?

I have a sliding dock utilizing a caurina tweener class however am having problems aligning it on the x y scale. I want it to be able to maintain it’s respective position relative to the changing size of the screen. It seems like the x y variable here

var baseX:Number = 200;  
var baseY:Number = 200;  

keeps it static & I tried to place this code below to keep it’s position relative to browser size but it only centers it. I tried playing around with the x y values but it only works bettween 1 & 2. Is there a way to align it to the bottom right of the screen that will adjust accordingly to browser size?

Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "TL";

myListenerload = new Object ();
myListenerload.onResize = function () {

    slidingdock_mc._x = Stage.width / 1;
    slidingdock_mc._y = Stage.height / 1.5;
Stage.addListener (myListenerload);
myListenerload.onResize ();

As you can see I’m a newbie at all this so If I’m doing something worng here can someone point me in the right direction?
