Possibility of an extreme bandwith load external FLV?

Not too long ago I started to load FLV files from an external source. However recently someone pointed me towards the fact that there is an extreme bandwith increase on the server that has the FLV files.

I will keep my question short. The code given below, is it possible that when I have a website open for an hour (or more). That this code keeps downloading the FLV file? Or does it just download the file once and just keeps playing it? I really hope that someone can give me some insightfull feedback on this matter.

var domain = "http://www.mydomain.com";
// ************************************
//	Video
// ------------------------------------
// my_video is a Video object on the Stage
var my_source = domain+"/video/myvideo.flv";
var my_video:Video;
// NetConnection
var my_nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
// NetStream
var my_ns:NetStream = new NetStream(my_nc);
// ------------------------------------
// ************************************
//	Loop video
// ************************************
this.onEnterFrame = function(){

Thanks in advance