Possible actionscript issue with Internet Explorer HELP

I’m new to flash and what I have is a thumbnail of an image that I would like to load a movie clip of the larger image that I have. It works when running the movie clip in Flash and running the site in Firefox, but the movie clip image does not come up in Internet Explorer.

This is the structure of my site. I have a main flash that contains the navigation bar. When you click the Home, Bios, or Contacts page I load another movie clip using the following: (The action script is on the navigation button)


Inside the bios page I have thumbnail buttons of pictures. When you click on any of these thumbnails I load the movie clip of the bigger picture like so: (The action script is on the button itself)

_root.testMovie.screen.loadMovie ("\pics_mc\Myrrha.swf");

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.