Possible Image loading issue (FlexBuilder 3)


I am building a game in Flex and am running into a peculiar issue.

The situation is a little difficult to discribe, but essentially how it works is that I have a game Timer running at ~20ms interval (I know it probably makes more sense to run off the enterframe event, I just haven’t switched it over yet.) Inside this timer I am running several animations which include manipulations of the position and scaleX/scaleY fields of several Image objects. These images are instantiated and loaded inside the constructor of a custom class that extends Canvas. The Images are added to this object or any of a number of sub-Canvases. The issue is that sometimes, upon the instantiation of this Class (or sometimes when I am trying to load a new image file into one of these Image objects), Flash stops rendering anything. it doesnt draw anything that I have added to the displaylist, and wont even play mouseovers of Buttons. It will still do a little bit (I have a TextField for debug messages, and a button that resizes the debug and movies itself, and the button will move and the debug messages get printed, but the TextField doesnt change size, and the buttons mouseover doesnt play). Once in this “broken” state, if I leave the flash player alone, and minimize the window for a while, it usually fixes itself. I’ve tried calling stage.invalidate(), and a few other things to mark DisplayObjects as needing to be redrawn, but they have not worked.

I am building this on a Mac with Flash Player 10, and all my code is written and compiled in the FlexBuilder 3 Eclipse Pulgin, and played through FireFox.

Please any information on what the hell is happening, or any ideas on how to fix it are greatly appreciated.

Thank You!!!

-C (goatlinks)