I was thinking that I use the same old bits of code over and over again. I’ve decided to call these “phrases”. I thought it would be cool if I made this thread were everyone can post their little bits and pieces of re-usable code so everyone can benifit.
Here are mine:
obj._x += (endingX-obj._x)/6 - a smooth moving motion to the endingX when used onEnterFrame
myObj = attachMovie(“obj”,“obj”+i,i) - usefull in a for loop after that you can set myObj._x etc
T = getTimer(); - find out your fps by putting these two lines in onEnterFrame
dx = firstX-secondX;
dy = firstY-secondY;
radius = Math.sqrt(dxdx+dydy); - find the length between 2 points
Hope this is usefull.
Post all your phrases bellow!
A big actionScript phrase dictionary would be cool aswell!