Potential to earn as much as $500 Wk.!

Here’s the thing I work for ColdWell Banker in Beverly Hills, Im an agent that works under a very prominent agent named Vangelis Korasidis, (if you google him you will see hes the man). A short time ago we got a house on our listing for 10million dollars and I took it upon myself to construct www.AlpineDreamEstate.com . After making that site it came to my attention that non of these agents here are really making personalized web sites for their multi million dollar homes and and that its a great form of advertisement and lets people from home see many pictures of the home in a unique way. I have the market I need the team!!! I believe that if we can make www.alpinedreamestate.com look good and make a good company site, some flyers, and cards we can construct a great web design company here. This opportunity not only will make you money as a designer but the portfolio you will get from this will be great as well. You are working with the top leading Broker making multi million dollar home web sites. How does that sound??? If you are interested please contact me or my partner on AIM: dcyriaco8985 or: NLaLeZaRi leave a message at my email address realtydesignsdaniel@hotmail.com. And/or Partner: RealtyDesignsNavid@hotmail.com

Daniel and Navid
Realty Designs <TABLE summary=“craigslist hosted images”><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle></TD><TD align=middle></TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle></TD><TD align=middle></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>