Pre-load loaded SWF

is there a way pre-load a level 1 SWF into my cache without playing it??..and then call upon it later when required.

i’m finding that all my loaded SWF’s don’t kick in fast enough on line until there in my cache, and it stuffs around all my affects.

yes, but you must specify that in the beginning, your question is a liitle unclear, could you explain?

all my loaded SWF’s take a couple of seconds to react when called upon first time round.

click on button1,activates .swf level 1
(when i do this as soon as I enter the site it takes a couple to load despite my pre-loader, when I do it the second time it happens instantly like it should because it’s in my cache)

so basically i want my main page to load and then while veiwing the main page have all my .swfs loading in the background so when i call upon them react instantly.