Preload an array?

So I’ve got an array of images,

pixArray = ["Images/Architecture/Hospitality/01.jpg", "Images/Architecture/Mixed/01.jpg", "Images/Architecture/Office/01.jpg", "Images/Architecture/Performing/01.jpg"];

It’s part of a slide show, loading one image, waiting 4 seconds, then it loads another, etc etc. The problem is, between each image, it has to load.

I’m trying to find a way to get flash to keep loading all the images in the array until they’re all loaded, something to the effect of:

on the completion of the loading of the first image, start loading the second image in the array. On completion of loading that, load the third image, etc, until there are no more. I already have a variable that tells it how many items there are as well:

var total:Number = 4;

Any ideas?