I have a movie with three buttons that load 3 external swf’s, with a preloader. Now I want all the external swf’s to have a preloader as well. So I used the preloader script on the 3 external swf’s, but when I test it, the movie starts at the first frame, where the preloader of the first swf is supposed to start, but nothing happens. Anyone have a clue, or maybe know a tutorial on this?
I see. The problem is you used _root instead of this. When a movie is loaded into another they share _root, which is why your preloader doesn’t work. Replace your code with this:
O.K., I solved it, thank you! I had to to change the script in the external swf as well, which I now find logical. Now I have to try to understand WHY this is logical. I still have problems with this _root phenomenon, any tutorial suggestions?
Thanks again
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