Ok… so I’ve spent the day trying to figure out how to get my preloader to work on external SWF’s. I can’t put the preloader on the SWF because I want to make a “generic” preloader that is easy for my co-workers to use. Having read several, several threads, I tried putting the SWF in a level, then refering the preloader to that level. No luck there. The preloader won’t sense it… or maybe the movie won’t go back to the preloader… I don’t know.
you have this on as frame action?
clip events are specific to movie clips.
What I’d do is have an empty mc sitting on-stage with the above script on it. On the first frame, have your load movie script and a stop.
The way this was set up, you were asking it to get the total amount of bytes from a level that was empty.
Thanks for the advice. I’m not sure I understand, though. If I put the code on an empty movie clip, how will I work the graphic part of my preloader? (If all the graphics are on a seperate mc, why bother using an empty movie clip?) Also, why _level10.gotoAndPlay(2) when you are loading into frame 1?