Preloader and Scene concept

I have seen most of flash sites have a preloader in the beginning and then each time you click a button on the site it shows a preloader and then opens that page. So I have few question about preloaders:

  1. What is the difference of preloader in the beginning and preloaders for each button. I thought preloader at the beginning page loads the whole web site at one time.
  2. If I have a preloader in a scene is that going to load only that scene only.
  3. What is the best way to show content of a site: Use of movie clips or jump to a new scene.
  4. How do I hide all the content of scene1(first page of the site) except the backround when I click a button.

Thanx in advance.

  1. Well basically when you have a preloader it’s for a particular swf, which means that any preloaders inside are made to load external swfs…
  2. Then each scene needs to be a different swf, and you’ll use a top swf to load the other ones inside
  3. Dont use scenes they increase files size and are hard to handle, try rather to incorporate multiple mcs in one big one, each mc being a ‘scene’
  4. just do the method i told you above and keep a layer as the background…