Hi every1
i’m a rooki to all this and flash, so please be patient with me…
right her is my problem, i hope sum1 will be able to help!!!
i had to make a contents page for my project and decided to use the [size=4][color=#003366]Preloader[font=Verdana] and Transition for Dynamic Files tutorial[/font][/color][/size]
[size=4][color=#003366][font=Verdana][size=2][color=#000000]Everything seem alright but when the swf file playes on the transition its messing it up.[/color][/size][/font][/color][/size]
the swf file i’m importing into this little screen that is sapposed to show the movie has 2 Scenes and the first 1 has a simple motion tween and sound file and the second 1 has a hover effect on an image.
so when this file is imported the first Scene is fine, it does its thing and everything is ok, but when i click on the next button to take me to the next Scene it sum how makes the second scene follow the mouse!!! where ever i move the mouse the whole imported file seems to follow!!!, any idea why its doing that???
its only going wrong when i use a swf file that has two diff scenes, its working alright if the swf file is a picture…
u all must be confused, but i’ll let u read it first if u don’t understand any part of this problem please ask me. if u totally don’t understand thats ok, ur not the only 1 :te: