Do CD’s use different types of preloaders(script) or i can use the regular preloaders that are available for websites. I 've tried to use those, and some how, they don’t work on a CD:alien2: soory I’m new on this
Preloaders are used because internet isnt instant data (ie preloaders show how much is loaded out of total size)
CDs on the otherhand have an almost instant loading, so even if you used a preloader it would show 100% straight away, data loads infinetely fast, thus making preloaders useless…
cheers, mlk
(and welcome to the forums =))
mlk, thanks for your response. however ,I’m using flahs mx on this Cd of mine and I have a swf file that is 23mb in size. The Cd opens with a swf ( start that is only 4mb in size, that opens in 3seconds ,but when i click to go to the swf( 23mb ) it takes about 13 seconds, i know that’s not alot, but I want to tell the viewres that something is loading nd it will take just a few seconds longer
I’ve looked on preloader, used some of them ,but still you wait 13 seconds then the loader apperars and the movies right after that.