Preloader for external swf that pauses external swf until completely loaded

I’m fairly new to all of this stuff, so bear with me . . .
I want to load an external swf into a main swf movie. (This much I can do).

I would like a separate preloader movie in the main swf movie to display the amount loaded.(I’ve found tutorials for that, so that’s not the issue.)

The problem is that I want the external swf not to start playing until it is completely loaded.

If I put a stop on the first frame of the external swf, that will keep it from playing, but, I’m not sure how to get the external swf to recognize that the load is complete.

I could put a preloader in the external swf, but I’m trying not to so that I can reuse the preloader for other external swf files without having to put it in each one.

Maybe I put a preloader without a visual component on each external swf?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
