Preloader for SWF loaded into SWF

Hi All,

Can you tell me the solution to getting progress bars to work in on an SWF that is coded to load into your main SWF movie that sits on the web?

My progress bar just sits on 100% and indicates no progress at all?

Where do I change the code from a normal bar?

Hope you can help:

try changing everywhere that it says “_root” to “_parent” that might work…

Thanks, I have put this code onto frame 1 of the SWF I am loading into the ‘targetClip’ that sits on my mainSWF, and have tested online but the 100% bar is just sticking on 100% untill the movie loads!

this.onLoad = function(){
myWidth = myBar._width /100;
myBar._width = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
total_bytes = Math.round(_parent.getBytesTotal()/1000);
loaded_bytes = Math.round(_parent.getBytesLoaded()/1000);
remaining_bytes = total_bytes-loaded_bytes;
percent_done = Math.round(_parent.getBytesLoaded()/_parent.getBytesTotal()*100);
displaypercent = percent_done +" %";
myBar._width = 1.7 * percent_done;
ifFrameLoaded (“Scene 2”, 7) {
gotoAndStop (“Scene 2”, 1);

any further ideas?

this or _level#.targetClipInstanceName should work :slight_smile: