Preloader for thumbnails

hi everyone

i have three thumbnails on the stage and onclick the big pic will load in the big grey area.

i have percentage preloader before the big pic loads.

now i want to have the same percentage preloader for thumbs. means i have made three movieclips as thumbs and m loading the small pics as thumbs inside the movieclips.

i know how to create preloader and load complete website but that script doesnt work with this concept.

i want to know how can i create individual percentage preloader for the small thumbs that shows how much each small pic has loaded.

at present i have just inserted the text showing loading but i need a percentage preloader.

the actionscript i m using is below :

pText._visible = false;
my_mc = new MovieClipLoader();
preload = new Object();
preload.onLoadStart = function(targetMC) {
pText._visible = true;
preload.onLoadProgress = function(targetMC, lBytes, tBytes) {
pText.text = "% "+Math.round((lBytes/tBytes)*100);
preload.onLoadComplete = function(targetMC) {
pText._visible = false;

thumb1.btn.onPress = function() {
my_mc.loadClip(“pic1.jpg”, “container.sub”);
thumb2.btn.onPress = function() {
my_mc.loadClip(“pic2.jpg”, “container.sub”);
thumb3.btn.onPress = function() {
my_mc.loadClip(“pic3.jpg”, “container.sub”);


find the attached file…
now its working fine . .


find the attached file…
now its working fine . .[/QUOTE]
hi jorawar

u didnt get my problem. i didnt wanted to load the pics in the container. that function was already functioning fine in my file.
what i needed was a individual preloader for the movieclips containing thumbnails. means all three movieclips that load the small thumbnails inside them should show a percentage preloader before the small thumbnail pic loads in that small movieclip. at present they show a “loading” text and i want a preloader instead of that loading text.
