Preloader image problem

The below code works fine no errors but what I don’t understand
if I use the Mc.LoadMovie(…) with a Url to a server to the same image file it won’t work…won’t resize image. But if I use the same image and call the image from my local harddrive it will resize and work perfectly. Don’t understand why.

Works: ThumbNailMc.ContainerMc.loadMovie(“pict0002.jpg”);

Won’t work: ThumbNailMc.ContainerMc.loadMovie(“”);

Below is a part of the code…

for (i=0; i <= 0; i++)
ThumbNailMc= _root.McHolder["ColorMc" + McColors*]; 
ThumbNailMc.ContainerMc= ThumbNailMc.createEmptyMovieClip("PicContainer"+i,i);

this.bytes_loaded= Math.round(this.ContainerMc.getBytesLoaded());
this.bytes_total= Math.round(this.ContainerMc.getBytesTotal());
this.getPercent= this.bytes_loaded/this.bytes_total;

ThumbNailMc.onEnterFrame= function()
if (this.bytes_loaded >1 && this.bytes_loaded > this.bytes_total-10 && this.ContainerMc._width > 0 && this.getPercent >= 1)
this.ContainerMc._x= (-1 * (this.ContainerMc._width/2)) ;
this.ContainerMc._y= -1 * (this.ContainerMc._height/2);
this.ContainerMc._alpha= 100;
trace(this + "this")
delete this.onEnterFrame;
this.bytes_loaded= Math.round(this.ContainerMc.getBytesLoaded());
this.bytes_total= Math.round(this.ContainerMc.getBytesTotal());
this.getPercent= this.bytes_loaded/this.bytes_total; 
} //for