Preloader issue with several embedded files

I’m using Flash IDE (CS4) and am preloading my movie by having all classes with Export In Frame 1 turned off and pasted into the 2nd frame of my main timeline while the 1st frame loads the movie. This works fine, except I have a class that has about 100 graphics embedded inside of it. Since these files are embedded using this method ([Embed(source=’…/assets/images/myImage01.jpg’)] public static const myImage01:Class;), they are automatically exported in frame 1. This causes my preloader to not kick in until all of these files are loaded (about 20% of my movie’s filesize).

Setting “Export Classes in Frame” to 2 in Actionscript Settings had no effect.

Is there any way I can set these embedded graphics to not Export in Frame 1, or any other work-arounds to solve this issue? Also, this must be a single swf, so using an external preloader is out of the question.