Preloader issue

I have a preloader at the moment for two swf files. My issue is when the initial file loads, the preloader flashes for a second at near full scale and then drops down to size and the preloading begins.

I’ve tried everything, but I can’t avoid that split second flash where the preloader shows intially at full scale.

this.onEnterFrame = function() {
	movieloaded = this.getBytesLoaded();
	movietotal = this.getBytesTotal();
	moviepercent = (movieloaded/movietotal)*100;
	trace("movie "+moviepercent);
	soundloaded = soundclip.getBytesLoaded();
	soundtotal = soundclip.getBytesTotal();
	soundpercent = (soundloaded/soundtotal)*100;
	trace("sound "+soundpercent);
	truePercent = (moviepercent+soundpercent)/2;
	trace("true% "+truePercent);
	this.loadText = truePercent;
	this.loadBar._width = truePercent/1.754;
	if (soundpercent == 100 && moviepercent == 100) {
function allLoaded() {
	delete this.onEnterFrame;