Hi was wondering if somebody could help me out…I’m trying to make a vertical preloader where the percentage bytes loaded dynamic text box follows the loading bar as it progresses. I have managed to get the progress bar working but my percentage bytes loaded clip is going in the opposite direction as my progress bar…ie…as the bar progresses upwards, the percentage bytes moves downwards…I want it to move upwards together with the progress bar.
Here is the script I used in the first frame of the movie:
[color=blue]btload = _root.getBytesLoaded();
totbt = _root.getBytesTotal();
sclbar = btload100/totbt;*
sclbar = Math.round(sclbar);
setProperty (_root.orangebar, _yscale, sclbar);
barheight = getProperty(_root.orangebar, _height)
barheight = barheight + getProperty(_root.orangebar, _y)
setProperty (_root.ldper, _y, barheight);
//setProperty (this.ldbar, _yscale, sclbar);
//trace (sclbar);
// trace(bytloaded);[/color]
[color=black]I’m also attaching my fla if that helps…[/color]