I’m having trouble with a preloader. I’ve gone through many tutorials and they aren’t helping me with this specific issue. I have one movie that generates random snow in frame one. In another layer in this movie, I’m loading a swf into level 1 using LoadMovieNumb("****.swf", 1); Once this swf loads it plays the movie that was loading automatically. What I’d like to do is add a preloader counting percentage of the swf loaded. I can’t seem to get things arranged correctly and I’ve tried every configuration that I can think of. What I currently have is the loadmovienum command in frame 1. In frame 2 I have the following:
Frame 3 has: gotoAndPlay(2);
and Frame 4 has: stop();
It seems to stick at frame 1 until the swf is loaded which negates all of my other code. Any ideas?
The loadmovie command must be in the swf file wich call an external swf.
On the external swf you put you code for you preloader.
Take a look a the files
I’ve dropped a dynamic textbox on the stage of this swf with the instance name of loadtext. It’s never updated nor does it display anything. This is starting to get the best of me.
The fla is too large, if you email me at justin@trimerous.com, I can email it back to you. Thank you!
Scotty, I didn’t try that. I wouldn’t expect that I would stop at frame 3 because I need the movie to continue playing. I’m starting to become confused. I’m trying to insert this preloader code in the swf being loaded. Is that what you guys are suggesting I do?
As far as uncommenting this loadbar line, I’m not trying to use the loadbar yet.
Okay, I inserted that code into the first frame of the movie which loads my other swf. I created a text field on the stage with the instance name mytextfield. Nothing. This is insane. What am I not understanding.
Sorry, I should be more clear. I’m just getting very frustrated. I put that code posted by claudio in frame 1 of my movie which loads another swf. It will load the swf which does play but it doesn’t track progress of the percent loaded. Basically it just displays “Done” in the dynamic textbox mytextfield. Thanks
Done, I love you! HAHA, just kidding. But seriously…Thank you so much. I really need to start gaining some practice in creating my own functions to take care of such tasks. I do have a good bit of programming experience but I’m still a beginner to actionscript. I find it very difficult to complete even the simplest tasks sometimes. I just need to get the loadbar working. Thanks again.
*Originally posted by claudio *
**Something like this. **
This was of great help to me in constructing my preloader. However there’s on problem I still have. I only want .swf file to play when fully loaded, but I can’t figure out where to add to the script to prevent this from happening. If I add a stop action to the loading .swf then it never plays… any advice?. Any one!.