Preloader problem

I am having a problem with a preloader scene. My movie is quite large, 1364 frames. The preloader is a little 40 frame animation.

In the first frame of preloader I have following actionscript:

ifFrameLoaded (“Scene 2”, 1364) {
gotoAndPlay(“Scene 2”, 1);

On the 40th frame I have:

gotoAndPlay(“preloader”, 1);

The main video is contained in Scene 2, yet when I go and test it, it only plays the 40 frames of the preloader and stops.

I have a stop(); on one of the layers on frame 40 of the preloader because I want it to loop until the 1364th frame of the main Scene 2 is loaded. I have tried many things to get this to work, but it is stubborn and wont go. Would greatly appreciate opinions.

try deleting them stop() actions… or maybe you have to add “_root” sumwhere like:


try it out… :slight_smile:

Have you tried using the “3 frame perloader”?

I involves using only 3 frames, and a little actionscript. Any animation should work with it.

Just ask if you need to know more info.

I have a stop(); on one of the layers on frame 40 of the preloader because I want it to loop until the 1364th frame of the main Scene 2 is loaded. I have tried many things to get this to work, but it is stubborn and wont go. Would greatly appreciate opinions.

I would take that out for sure. a stop action will not allow you to loop. It should be


that will cause the play head to loop back to the first frame of scene 1 and start playing again from there.

If you would like a copy of my preloader to look at, just leave your email address and I’ll send it over with instructions.

I would like a copy of your preloader please…

email address is -

yes yes me too please

Yes I would greatly appreciate a copy of the preloader.


You might as well just throw the link on the forum cause I want to look at it too, can’t ever see too many preloader scripts huh?

Sorry guys. I forgot about this thread. Thanks for reviving it Dan.

I’ll upload a zip tomarrow and post the link here.

Hello once again! Sorry I keep leaving for a while, but hey…

Anyway, two things:

  1. The preloader that I have promised you is available, look below
  2. You have it coded wrong

Could you send the script or file to me, or post it here? THanks

If you need more help, or want the preloader, check out my new thread called “the long awaited preloader”, it has an example.
