Preloader question

Hi again guys,

got another question

I am making a website with mulitple flash swf’s that work togther in multiple frames…and I was wondering if It is possible to make a preloader that loads all of my swf’s before you enter the page, and when they are done loading a button appears and click it to launch the site…




Using loadMovie was created to replace the usage of Scenes in Flash. It was created so that all unviewed content would stay unloaded so you can the opmtimum load time for your site.

With this said, there isn’t a way that I know of where you can preload all your movies at once, unless you use Scenes instead of loadMovie.

there is actualy a way…but i havn’t been able to get it to work. What you would do is load all you movies into container clips at the begining, then just make the preloader include that contiainer clip…

You would have to create multiple container clips.

You are only able to load 1 movie on a container clip, any new movie will overwrite it.