Preloader + ScrollPane issues

Ok I’m having serious issues trying to preload external swf’s into a Scrollpane component.

I’ve literally been trying to make this work for 2 weeks now. I’ve searched every place I could possibly find on the internet looking for any possible clue to help and I’ve tried every tutorial and sample preloader component or otherwise I could find and nothing is working properly for me.

Basically… I have a main movie, it has a preloader that functions properly. I figured that one out easy. In 3 seperate parts of the movie it has scroll panes. Essentially they are on different pages or frames within the main movie, but it’s all in one scene. I’m trying to get it so that you click a link, it does it’s little animation then it preloads the external SWF and then it sets that swf as the scrollpanes content.

To sort of see what I’m talking about goto

The Sponsors, Maps & Links page all contain the scrollpanes I’m refferring to. Currently they are all part of the main movie and as you can imagine it’s like 700kb which is not acceptable. So I split the scrollpane contents into seperate movies, but now I can’t get them to load properly with a preloader into the Scrollpane. I need something that will load an external SWF into an off stage movieclip and display the progress in the main movie area then I can have it advance a frame and have it set the scroll panes content to the loaded movieclip. I can’t find or produce any code that does this properly and displays the preloading progress…

Please help…

Oh I almost forgot… I tried adding preloaders inside the actual external SWFs and loading them into the scrollpane via loadScrollContent but it doesn’t seem to work
