Preloader to load 2 movies

hi… im having problems loading 2 movies at once… basically i have a main menu movie clip… whereby wen the movie starts… it loads another submovie inside it… so wat i want the preloader to do is load BOTH the main menu movie clip and the submovie at the same time… can anyone help me? thx

my coding for the preloader is as follows:

bytes_loaded = Math.round(this.getBytesLoaded());
bytes_total = Math.round(this.getBytesTotal());
getPercent = bytes_loaded/bytes_total;
this.loadBar._width = getPercent202.0;
this.loadText = Math.round(getPercent
if (bytes_loaded == bytes_total) {

can i attach 2 movies to load at once? help asap thx :slight_smile: