Preloader Tutorial

Hey Kirupa,

I wrote this preloader tutorial tonight. I use it when a lot of people are having trouble on the forum with percentage preloaders, or having problems with the stupid preloader component. After I give them the script they seem to get it to work perfect every time. So I figured I would write up a tutorial and it would be easier to send a link to that than to keep rewriting the same thing.

If you like it, you can post it, but if not, then I won’t be upset…lol. I will be adding it to my site anyway with the next version.

You can download the .zip file here…


I would like the opinions of anyone who wants to share them.


LOL, sorry, I couldn’t resist. I had an urge to bump a thread that was already at the top of the secret section that only Mods can see. I have no clue why, personal laughs I guess…LOL.

Me = :crazy:

I read that, very cool , perhaps you would add Movieclip.onData if someone want’s a quick, easy preloader. So much newbies would appreciate the onData thingy.

I don’t know the onData preloader, I have used the above preloader ever since I wrote it… a long time ago…lol.

Hey big K, any thoughts? Trash or no trash?

It doesn’t matter either way… I will still be adding it to my site :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by h88 *
I read that, very cool , perhaps you would add Movieclip.onData
What’s that, h88?

[size=1]::Phil grammer activated::[/size]

Inquiring minds would like to know!

[size=1]::Phil grammer disactivated::[/size]

Fa Shizzle my nizzle!

I saw something on it before, but I didn’t read it, and forgot to save it…lol. Now I can’t find it again.

Hey lost,
I’ll add this and kitiara’s tutorial today or tomorrow. Today is my last day of final exams! Can’t wait to get some sleep…then Flashing for 3 whole weeks!

Kirupa :cyclops:

Very cool - there’s so many questions about preloaders appearing that it would be great if they could all get directed to one place. Excellent work there, Lost. :slight_smile:

Fa Shizzle my nizzle!

What on earth…? Oh, I ran through a Snoop Dogg translator posted in the Random thread… Figured I’d better post the outcome in the mods only area…

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kirupa forum has been shizzilated! muhahahahah :rambo:

Thanks Kirupa and Kitiara :beam:

And that stuff is hilarious yo :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey Lost and Kit,
I added both of your tutorials to the site =)

Kirupa :cyclops:


Thanks Kirupa :beam:!!!


Don’t forget pom’s trick. :slight_smile:

Thanks h88 :beam: And I have this amazing new AS trick… :crazy:

And Lost, that’s a VERY clear tutorial, bravo, but gotoAndPlay loops were a Flash 4 trick to emulate enterFrame handlers… Time to upgrade man :stuck_out_tongue:

I was trying to make it Flash 5 and Flash MX compatible Ilyas.

I can’t test it in Flash 5 to see if it works though :frowning:

Don’t get me wrong, Lost, this is a very good tutorial, and it works beautifully with Flash 5 and MX (well, it should work). It’s just that gotoAndPlay loops were the only way to create loops in Flash 4. Now we have clip events to make our lives easier… I’m very much into that “best practices” thing right now :stuck_out_tongue: [SIZE=1]actually, some books about MX stil use them, along with setProperty and tellTarget :-/[/SIZE]

pom, [SIZE=1]professional hairsplitter[/SIZE]

Ohhh, I thought Flash 5 used gotoAndPlay loops too.

Well… oops on my part…lol. I will just keep it as it is now though, as long as it works :slight_smile:

Really? There are AS books that use setProperty and tellTarget?!?!

Wow… but the code to replace them is so much more simpler and easier.

So what is this amazing new AS trick you have up your sleeve Ilyas?